Wednesday, October 8, 2008

27 hours of sleep in two days...

Well...the 9 miles didn't go as planned. It was ridiculously hot, and I had already been getting the slightest hint of a sore throat all day...I should've known what was coming. Unfortunately I have a 10 mile race this Sunday, and didn't want to go into it with my longest run being 8 miles 2 weeks ago!

So I tried, and it just wasn't happening. It was so humid, and I was soaked by the end of the first mile. Then my headphone wires decided to keep trying to tangle up, get in front of my face, or fall out of my ears. The first 4 miles were still ok, and I kept telling myself if I could get to 4.5 then I just had to "go home". This is what I always tell myself, and it usually works. Of course I'm usually on an out and back run, so I have no choice. This time I did a strange loop that brought me to the center of town at 6.1 miles. I stopped to drink from the fountain and felt like I was going to die. I had blisters on both feet since I was so soaked, and I just knew 2.9 miles more wasn't happening.

I wobbled back to the trail and started up again, heading back home instead of the .8 more in my current direction I would need to hit 9 at home. I walked from 6.1-.2, then attempted a jog again for another quarter mile. I stopped at 6.45 and walked the rest for a total of 7.25 :(

This wouldn't have been the end of the world, except then I noticed that my little sore throat was now a full blown I-feel-like-crap cold. I still had to get ready to work that night, and I felt sore and achy, my head was stuffed and my throat was SO SORE. It wasn't a bad night money-wise at work, but I just knew I was going to have a crappy night.

And that I did. And the whole next day was the same. Of course I stayed home, and slept until 3 pm so when I say the whole next day I mean from 3 pm until 10pm, when I headed back to bed. Now it was congestion in my sinuses and a horrible headache that woke me up at 3 in the morning until 5...ugh. I called work again to say I was going to be late, and finally pulled out of the worst of it around 9 am. At least I if only I can avoid the temptation of the 5 miler I have scheduled for this afternoon....I know it would make me feel crappy again, but I just hate getting off schedule!


Frayed Laces said...

what you are doing is key. When I get sick I embrace it--I don't try to fight it. I immediately take the day off work and running and just sleep and hydrate. Recovery is super fast.
And to answer your question about finding the time to get everything done---I am the worlds best multitasker!

CactusTri said...

I run in heat, but can't stand running in humidity. Especially not when getting sick. Hope you feel better.

Lauren said...

I wondered where you were yesterday! I hope you feel better. 7.25 is still pretty good and it's better to be undertrained, right? At least you got to use up some sick time and catch up on rest.

P.O.M. said...

Your body needs rest. So take it. Don't worry about getting behind in your schedule. You can easily catch up once you feel better.